Nearly 3000 people on average commit suicide daily, according to Who. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their lives. About one million people die by suicide each year. Suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death which is influenced by psycho-social, cultural, and environmental risk factors that can be prevented through worldwide responses. World Suicide Prevention Day, which first started in 2003, is annually held on September 10 each year. Raise awareness that suicide is preventable, improve education about suicide, spread information about suicide awareness and Decrease stigmatization regarding suicide. With the on increasing stress and struggles of everyday life, it’s important to look out for one another.
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country, but suicides among teenage girls and young women have almost doubled in recent years. It can affect anyone at any time. Men tend to choose more lethal methods compared to women. Social expectations of masculinity may mean that men are less likely to seek help for suicidal thoughts compared to women There is no single reason why people die by suicide. People think of suicide for many different reasons. Sociological, economical, psychological, and genetic factors can contribute to a person being at greater risk of suicide.
Some risk factors you can be aware of:
. difficult life events. Such as a traumatic childhood or experiencing
physical or emotional abuse,
. something upsetting or life changing such as a relationship ending
or a loved one dying,
. misusing drugs or alcohol,
. living alone or having little social contact with other people,
. having a mental health condition such as depression
. self-harming,
. having a physical health condition, especially if this causes pain or
. serious disability or health issues
. problems with work or money,
. losing or having no job
. being a young person, or being a middle-aged man
. an accident causing you to fall ill
Different people have different experiences of suicidal feelings. You might feel unable to cope with the difficult feelings you are experiencing. You may feel less like you want to die and more like you cannot go on living the life you have. These feelings may build over time or might change from moment to moment. And it’s common to not understand why you feel this way.
The earlier you let someone know how you’re feeling, the quicker you’ll be able to get support to overcome these feelings. But it can feel difficult to open to people. You may want others to understand what you’re going through, but you might feel: unable to tell someone, unsure of who to tell, concerned that they won’t understand, fearful of being judged or worried you’ll upset them.
Suicide prevention day is to help spread awareness that this does happen and could affect you or someone you love, it’s important that we are all there to help each other during difficult times in one’s life.
If you want more information on this subject, please check out our other bog on this topic on our website,
For help on this matter, these are some places you can contact:
Samaritans 116123
Papyrus 0800 068 4141
Calm helpline 0800 58 58 58
The sliver line 0800 4 70 80 90
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline 0300 330 0630
Thank you for reading & stay safe